Approximate Release Date: May 1, 1993
Genre: Action RPG
Developer: Beam Software
Publisher: Data East
There aren’t many games on the Super Nintendo like Shadowrun, an action RPG based on the tabletop game of the same name. In fact, it would have felt more in line with PC games of the era than its console contemporaries. Continue reading SNES A Day 186: Shadowrun →

Approximate Release Date: May 1, 1993
Genre: Action/platformer
Developer: Data East
Publisher: Data East
It’s a bummer how the otherwise good Congo’s Caper takes such a clear step back from its predecessor.
Continue reading SNES A Day 185: Congo’s Caper →

Approximate Release Date: February 1, 1993
Genre: Action/platformer
Developer: MotiveTime
Publisher: Data East
Dragon’s Lair for the Super Nintendo couldn’t be a port of the video-laden arcade game that everyone remembers. It was turned into a bad platformer instead!
Continue reading SNES A Day 150: Dragon’s Lair →

Approximate Release Date: January 7, 1992
Genre: Action/platformer
Developer: Data East
Publisher: Data East
I’m as surprised as anyone to find that Joe & Mac holds up okay after 22 years.
Continue reading SNES A Day 32: Joe & Mac →
Chronogaming project featuring reviews, screenshots, and videos of the entire Super Nintendo library in release order.